Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Living Soli Deo Gloria

Welcome to my new blog! I am really excited about this. In this blog, I hope to share little pieces of my life as a daughter of the King, a wife, and a mom -- a homeschool mom, at that! You will get a glimpse of what it looks like to see a family living out their faith. And that is not of our own doing; for anything good that you see here is only because of God and His sovereign grace. I'm looking forward to sharing our lives with anyone who feels so inclined to follow along.

There is a bigger purpose behind this blog than me just wanting to share our lives with everyone. It is so that God would be glorified. One of the catechism questions our kids have learned is, "Why did God make you and all things?" Answer, "For His own glory." Everything is for His glory alone.
I've always been a sharer of many of the details of my family's life together.The friends and family who know us well also know our story well. I often get comments from them about how it has been for them to see our family's journey in the Lord unfold. Although the kind words are much appreciated, please understand that I have never done anything to deserve any praise or compliments. Anything I may say or do that seems good, positive, or loving is only because God in his sovereign grace worked through me. If left up to me, I would choose darkness every time. It is by His sovereign grace that I walk in the Light. So any praise goes to Him alone.

It is my prayer that anything I say or do would always point people to God. So please keep that in mind as you follow our journey. Feel free to subscribe/follow/whatever it is that you do. I'm still pretty new to the blog world, so I'll just learn as I go!

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